Friday, February 25, 2011

It's a Party at the DMV

With my birthday on the horizon, it was time for me to update my driver's license. For five and a half years, I have successfully dodged the DMV, but it was not going to work this time. My first attempt ended in utter failure. The information line alone was 20 people deep and the waiting area resembled a busy night in the ER. FUN!

On my second attempt, I took my dad's advice and showed up 20 minutes before opening. I was the eighth person in a line that was formed outside the DMV. I had Gavin with me, so it was going to be tricky. I was armed with the Ipad, snacks, and hot dog bag (if you don't know what that is, check out my blog, "Good Help is Hard to Find"). I was in and out in 50 minutes, not too shabby.

The DMV has the power to bring together random people who would normally not associate with each other. While I was there, I saw some great stuf:
1. An Elvis impersonator
2. A kid announcing, "I FARTED!"
3. I watched that same kid get spanked and his dad offering to kick his *&%!
4. An older couple wearing matching windbreakers and duck hunting hats.
5. A 16 year old with piercings all over having a lively conversation with an older woman who looked like the See's Candy lady.

And all this happened while smooth jazz softly playing in the background.

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