Monday, March 8, 2010

Just a Hole Instead

It was inevitable. At some point a child will ask the question that every parent dreads to answer. This time Ryan answered the questions to avoid the debacle from family meeting about cursing. Check the blog, "Family Meetings and a Can of Coke" if you don't know what I'm talking about.

Bryce- Where do babies come from?

Me- Uhhh...From a momma.

Bryce- Yeah but out of what body part?  Do they come from a momma's stomach?

Me- Yes, sometimes they come out of a momma’s stomach.  That's called a c-section.  Ryan, do you want to handle this?

Ryan- Has anyone ever said anything about it?  I will answer any questions you might have, okay?

Bryce- No one has said anything.

Ryan- Well, they come out of a mom’s private part.

Bryce- Her butt?  Or, do you mean like a crotch?

Ryan- Yes, exactly like a crotch.  Women have a private part called a vagina.

Bryce- (laughing) A vagina?  That's a funny word. (He starts repeating the word "vagina" to himself because it sounds weird) Wait, you mean girls don't have wieners?

Ryan- No, boys have a penis or wiener and girls have a vagina.

Bryce- (laughing in disbelief) I'm not even gonna ask...What does it look like?

Ryan- No, you can ask.  Just picture your wiener and balls except there's no wiener and balls and just a hole instead.

Bryce- (Laughing again) That's weird.

Ryan- You can always ask Daddy about anything because Daddy knows and will always answer honest.  You're my champ.

That was beautifully handled, Ryan. From that conversation came one of the best quotes from Bryce and possibly his greatest revelation, "Wait, you mean girls don't have wieners?"


  1. "Wait, you mean girls don't have wieners?" Oh my gosh that has to be the quote of the century!!!! : )

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hmmmm....I am curious what Ethan's post was that would warrant Linaya's removal. Good job Daddy Ryan!!!

  4. It's ALL sooo true... God help us! Rob, Linaya didn't delete anything (and would never delete anyones comment unless rude) and wants to know what Ethan had to say too. ;-D

  5. Ethan's post was MY post. After I posted, I saw it was logged in as Ethan. Oops! Just wanted to say WAY TO GO, Guys! Love your blog, Linaya!
