Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Now Hiring

Why can’t a SAHM have a job description? Remember those? It’s what you receive, when you’ve been job offered by your potential boss. The writers of these do the best they can to provide an accurate picture of the tasks required. However, we all know that there are duties that get glossed over. If a SAHM had a job description, here’s one that should be defined more clearly.

Yes, yes, I know cleaning is part of it. However, I have a theory. I believe that toys have the same genetic makeup as rabbits. I say this because my sons’ toys keep multiplying. When I put away a Lego, I turn around to find 5 more and they’re all wedged under the couch! Every corner I turn, a toy awaits me. Maybe Toy Story is real and all toys are alive. If that is the case, they are on a mission to annoy the heck out of me. In my house, toys aren’t the only thing on the ground. My youngest loves cooking so amongst the stackable blocks and board books are salad tongs and Tupperware. (On a side note, salad tongs are really painful to step on, so put those away ASAP)

Cleaning includes organizing and organizing requires  details that no one cares about. I’m talking about reworking the pen drawer, dvd cupboard and sock basket that no one notices. You know those areas of the house that are hidden from your guests but not from your own watchful eyes. The rest of the house may be a disaster, but at least my pen drawer has two distinct compartments- one for pens and one for pencils, darn it! Even though organizing can be tedious, it is vital to keep this machine of a household functioning. (At least, that’s what I tell myself when I’m restacking the DVDs and video games in the cabinet for the millionth time)

So this is just one requirement of the job. There are plenty more that I will discuss at a later time. After reading my own job description, I accept the position. Now, let’s negotiate my salary.

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