Sunday, October 30, 2011

It's A Man's World

Being the mother of two boys, I am obviously outnumbered in my house. Here's the score: boys- 3, girls- 1. Don't get me wrong there are major perks that come with having boys such as no drama and no trace of princess junk in the house. If you're a mom of a male dominated house, maybe we should start some sort of support group. When we get together, we could braid each other's hair and use Easy Bake ovens. (Yeah, I now that I said that aloud, I don't like that idea either) Below are a couple signs that you may be in the same boat as me:

1. Your boys constantly ask you to smell their finger.
2. When you search for your keys in your bottomless purse, you end up with a fist full of Hotwheels.
3. The furniture in your living room is arranged in such a way to allow for wrestling.
4. You know which superheroes are DC and which ones are Marvel.
5. At least once a week, you step on a lego. (seriously, those things hurt!)
6. Everything is a competition, and I mean everything.
7. Your DVR if full with "Man Vs. Wild", "Ultimate Fighter", and "Spongebob Squarepants"
8. You hear the sweet serenade of belching at the dinner table.
9. When cleaning the bathroom, you have more of a mess around the toilet rather than inside the toilet.
10. Fart talk, fart talk, fart talk.

Maybe a support group is a good idea after all :)

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