Monday, May 3, 2010

Mom's Handbag

In honor of Mother’s Day, I have written a poem...this is me being deep.

"Mom’s Handbag"
by me

You wonder why my purse is not small,
Do I really need all the stuff that I haul?
If you take a look inside you’ll see,
All of the things I need to be me.

A 20 foot hose to put out fires,
Elbow grease to change flat tires,
A mixing bowl to prepare yummy meals,
A watchful eye to find good deals,
A wooden spoon to spank little buns,
And loving arms to comfort my sons,
A listening ear for all of life’s issues,
A Ziploc bag to hold dirty tissues,
Stories for kiddos who can’t fall sleep,
A Shutterfly book for memories to keep,
A comb and product to fix everyone’s hair,
And patience when lecturing little blank stares,
Constant reminders for kids to say, “please”,
Bactine and Band aids to treat scraped up knees,
A Bible to spend time with the Master,
A cell phone for pizza when dinner’s a disaster,
A night light to ward off a fear of the dark,
And bleach for grass stains and permanent pen marks,
A whistle to break up sibling fights,
And concealer to cover up sleepless nights,
Big and small, I have it all, right here in my handbag.

Happy Mama's Day!!!

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