Thursday, January 13, 2011

Watch out Jersy Shore, There's A New Kid in Town...

The following is a recent conversation with my nine year old, Bryce:

Bryce just finished doing some push ups then was checking himself out in the mirror.

Bryce- Mom, I'm gonna change my workout. Instead of working out at 3pm, I'm gonna work out at 10 am.

Me- (Kinda confused because he doesn't have a workout routine) Oh, good for you.

Bryce- Yeah, I'm gonna work my six pack and my arms. I figure I'll show off my muscles for the ladies, but I can't pull up my shirt and show them my six pack.

Me- (shocked and wanting to laugh) Yeah, that's a good idea. It's not really appropriate to pull up your shirt at school.

Bryce- I don't know why, though. I mean at the pool, a teacher wouldn't mind if my shirt was off. Why should it be any different?

Me- Yeah, good point.

At what point did my son want to become "The Situation", Jr?