Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Style Mommy: Church

Get on your Sunday best because it's time for church! Can I get an amen for this outfit?


Church by linaya featuring bezel jewelry

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Mommy Loves: Cookies

It's no secret that I love cookies. I could give the Cookie Monster some serious competition. I'm not sure how fair it would be considering he's just a puppet. Anyways, I know that I'm not the only cookie lover. Moms typically share a deep appreciation for this sweet, bite sized treat. Here's some inspiration for baking success on Mother's Day!

 Mom Tattoo Cookies- www.pinterest.com/
Fashion Cookies- www.elenis.com/
Mom Hearts- www.singlemindedwomen.com/
You Are Jar- www.iammommy.typepad.com/
Flower Cookie- www.etsy.com/