Monday, September 13, 2010

Asian Moms Know Best

It was your average Saturday night. As part of Bryce’s prep for bed, he took a bath and I sat in the bathroom to keep him company (all very typical). The calm before the storm, some would say. Suddenly out of left field, Bryce hit me with:

Bryce- Mom, what is sex?
Me- Uhhh...
Bryce- I know that there are two types of sex. One is where you are either male or female. The other is the love between a Mommy and Daddy, right?
Me- Yes, that’s right. Who told you this? (Remind me to thank them with a muffin gift basket later)

Time out!!! Let’s get a few things straight- I wasn’t expecting this conversation for another year or two. In addition, I did not envision myself being the one delivering “the talk”. Okay, back to the dialogue.

Me- Well, yes.
Bryce- Do you and Daddy have sex?

Holy crap, he went for the jugular on this one. Not only was I being asked to define sex, I had to explain my personal involvement. Red Alert! SOS! Gosh, anything, just help me! I was at a crossroads. I could tell my son the truth, make up a happy lie, or change the subject. I quickly weighed my options and proceeded.

Me- Uhhh... Are you excited about having pasta salad for dinner tomorrow?
Bryce- Do you and Daddy have sex?
Me- Um, yeah. But aren’t you excited about Momma making pasta salad?
Bryce- Oh yes! I can’t wait. (Then he starts talking about his love for pasta salad)

Yeah, that’s right- I changed the subject. Don’t judge me; I did what any good Asian mother would do. If I have learned nothing from my culture, it’s that if you don’t know what to say, then say something vague so it redirects the conversation. What would you have done?

1 comment:

  1. LOL! I love reading your blogs! I honestly dont know what I would have done. I know Kenedi has already started asking a little "how do babies get in mommy's tummy? Which we replied...God put them there...which in all fairness is totally true! And with her in public school I am already praying about what she will come home with. I thought you handled it great! It's better to answer when you are more prepared with your answers and what you want him to know. And if it's the kind of thing you want Ryan to be involved in, then you can be prepared together! To funny....
